Cox Flexion Distraction Technique: A Unique Chiropractic Pain Solution

5 March 2015
 Categories: , Blog


Chiropractic care can be an excellent way to get natural pain relief. While most people may be familiar with standard chiropractic adjustments in which the chiropractor gently adjusts the spine, techniques like the Cox Flexion Distraction technique may not be as well known. Keep reading to learn more about this unique way of performing chiropractic adjustments.

The Cox Flexion Distraction Table

The table used for Cox Flexion Distraction is a unique one that is quite different than the standard flat chiropractic table. The table is fashioned in sections, with each section being able to move independently of the others. While the table is different from a standard chiropractic one, you will usually still lay face down for treatments, just as you do with a standard chiropractic table. In some cases, your chiropractor may instruct you to lay on one side for adjustments, particularly if this allows for easier access to the particular area of your injury.

Moving The Cox Flexion Distraction Table

The chiropractor will move the Cox Flexion Distraction table in a specific way that is determined by the area where your injury is. Normally, the table is moved one section at a time. As you lay flat on your stomach, the chiropractor will manually drop certain sections of the table while the others will stay flat and stable beneath you.

Performing the Adjustments

When the section of the table beneath the injury is dropped, this produces a type of suction in the injury. This suction makes the tissue more easily pliable, and the chiropractor will take advantage of this by manually guiding the injured tissue into its ideal place.

Injuries Helped With Cox Flexion Distraction Technique

A number of different injuries may be helped with the Cox Flexion Distraction technique. In particular, spinal problems of any kind are a good potential candidate for this type of treatment, since spinal issues require very specific adjustments. Two common examples include:

  • Herniated Disc: A herniated disc in the back requires the adjustment of the vertebrae around the herniation. The Cox Flexion Distraction technique allows the chiropractor access to the area of injury so the disc problem can be easily resolved.

  • Compacted Vertebrae: When vertebrae are painfully compacted together, the Cox Flexion Distraction table allows for them to be gently separated due to the suctioning action that takes place.

The Cox Flexion Distraction technique is, like other chiropractic care, not typically painful or uncomfortable. If you are feeling frustrated with the lack of results you're getting from other methods of healing, you might want to talk to your local chiropractor about the possibility of trying Cox Flexion Distraction technique soon!