3 Common Signs Of Vertebral Fractures After A Car Accident

22 October 2017
 Categories: Health & Medical , Blog


There are all kinds of things that can happen to your body when you are involved in an automobile accident. You could be dealing with blunt trauma to your head or body, broken bones, and even cuts from broken glass. However, one of the most common injuries during an auto accident is injuries to the spinal column. The spine is the center operational force of your body, and unfortunately, the spine is not as resilient as you may expect. Vertebral fractures don't always get recognized immediately after an accident because this is so much different than a regular broken bone. Here is a look at some of the most common signs of a vertebral fracture after a car accident. 

You have a limited range of motion. 

One of the telltale indicators that there is something wrong with your spine is a change in your overall range of motion. For example, you may notice that you:

  • Can't turn your head in certain directions without major pain
  • Can't twist around at your torso without it hurting
  • Can't bend or stoop without feeling pressure and pain

Vertebral fractures tend to cause inflammation in the surrounding nerve-ric tissue of the spinal column, which can make it extremely painful to move the spine as you normally would. 

You have pain with only slightly jarring occurrences. 

Perhaps you bend to pick up something from the floor and pain immediately shoots down your spine. Maybe you misstep and land awkwardly on one foot to catch yourself and severe pain radiates from your back. These are common signs that you are dealing with a vertebral fracture. Because the fracture can go unnoticed initially, it is not uncommon for people who have been in an auto accident to head to the doctor later to have things checked because they've experienced great pain with something seemingly small. 

You feel tingling or burning sensations around your spine. 

The spinal column is laced with nerves that respond to pain signals quite easily. However, sometimes, these same nerves will become agitated when the surrounding tissue is inflamed because of a fracture. Instead of pain, you could feel oddball sensations like burning, tingling, or even twinging and numbness in a localized area around where the fracture is present. Because these symptoms may not be immediately associated with a vertebral fracture, it is best to ensure you pay careful attention to any new sensations you feel and let your doctor know. 

Contact a company, like Radius, for more help.